Organic Aquaculture Festival 2021 to be held on 7 November at Stanley Plaza Support Local Organic Aquaculture and Embrace a Low-carbon Lifestyle

日期:Sunday, November 7, 2021 11:00 AM — Sunday, November 7, 2021 6:00 PM
地點:Stanley Plaza

Organic Aquaculture Festival 2021 to be held on 7 November at Stanley Plaza Support Local Organic Aquaculture and Embrace a Low-carbon Lifestyle

Environmental pollution and nearly two years of pandemic has raised people’s awareness of health and food safety, with nutritional concerns for children and the elderly, and hence the growing popularity of organic food. Speaking of going organic, many would think about organic greens, but going organic is more than eating organic vegetables. Aquaculture products can be organic, too! Local certified aquaculture products* are natural and pollution-free, fresh and tasty, and loaded with nutrients. For example, both jade perch and tilapia contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of heart disease and dementia, another good alternative for an eco-friendly and healthy diet.

To enhance public awareness about local organic aquaculture and promote the development of local organic fisheries, Organic Aquaculture Festival 2021, organized by Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre (HKORC), will be held on 7 November, 2021 at Stanley Plaza, where Prof. Jonathan Woon-chung Wong, MH, JP, Director of HKORC will join hands with valuable guests, including Mr. Patrick Chuen-chi Lai, Assistant Director (Fisheries) of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Mrs. Sophie Leung, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Governing Board of HKORC, Mr. Fred Wah-ming Li, SBS, JP, Member of the Sustainable Fisheries Development Fund Advisory Committee, the Festival’s star ambassadors Mr. Sammy Leung and Ms. Nicola Cheung to unveil the once-a-year event in the city.

We farm our own fish: the “Hong Kong Organic Fish” that belongs to Hongkongers

This year’s Organic Aquaculture Festival, in the theme of “Local Organic”, aims to offer a glimpse of the local sustainable fisheries and the nutritional value of organic aquaculture. In fact, the organic fishery is one of the important organic industries in Hong Kong. As sustainability has become a global trend, Hong Kong citizens are more eager to adopt a greener and more eco-friendly lifestyle. The increasing demand for organic and healthy food creates opportunities for the local organic industries. Low-carbon diet is an integral part of low-carbon living. Besides choosing local organic agricultural products, local organic aquaculture also deserves our support.


*There are 16 organic fish farms in Hong Kong, producing more than 20,000 fish every year.

Most Hongkongers know that Hong Kong is largely dependent on food imports, but very few know that the bustling city farms its own organic fish. Today, there are a total of 16 organic fish farms in Hong Kong, producing more than 20,000 fish every year. Organic fish farming requires certified organic feed, while there are strict requirements regarding the environment and water quality of the fish ponds. All these lead to the production of high-quality local organic fish that is safe, delicious, and rich in nutrients. Buying organic aquaculture products is a way to pursue a healthier diet and low-carbon living, it also helps promote the development of local organic fisheries, which in turn will boost other fishery-related industries, such as wholesale, retail, and logistics, contributing to the overall economic development of Hong Kong.


Given the general public’s limited understanding of local certified organic aquaculture, we hope that by organizing Organic Aquaculture Festival 2021, we could offer the public an opportunity to know more about local organic fisheries and the nutritional value of organic aquaculture. We also want to encourage citizens to adopt a low-carbon lifestyle by buying more local organic fish, and support local organic fisheries together. Our Centre will continue to promote organic certification and provide more retail locations so that more citizens are able to buy fresh, high-quality and safe organic aquaculture products, while boosting the development of local organic fisheries,” says Prof. Jonathan Wong, Director of Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre.


*Prof. Jonathan Wong, Director of Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre


“Organic Fish Box” and organic certification work together with local fish farmers to support local organic fisheries.

  Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre Certification Limited (HKORC-Cert) is the key independent incorporated third-party organic certification agent in Hong Kong. Since 2002, HKORC-Cert provides certification services for the agriculture, fisheries, and processing sector in Hong Kong. This year, a new special edition “Organic Fish Box” is launched to help consumers identify the genuine aquaculture products.



The ORC-Cert awards certificates of organic certification to the producers and processors that meet the “ORC-Cert - Organic Production, Aquaculture and Processing Standard. With verification and confirmation by our Certification Board, certified operations can be authorized to apply the ORC-Cert Organic Seals” on their products. At present, there are two organic certification standards – “IFOAM accredited” and “Non-IFOAM accredited” for various organic products. Consumers can distinguish the organic products certified by ORC-Cert in the market with the identification of the seals.


*Local certified aquaculture products include jade perch, tilapia, mud carp, big head carp, edible goldfish, giant freshwater prawn, etc. Where to buy: Nine Seafood Place, LocalFresh App by Fish Marketing Organization, Health Aims Organic Functional Products Specialty Shop, certified organic fish farm direct sale (may contact certified aquaculture operations on HKORC-Cert website

 Prof. Wong adds that with the huge demand for organic food in Hong Kong, the market has recorded double-digit growth every year. However, local organic aquaculture, especially the development of fisheries, is facing a lot of difficulties. The most obvious one is the difficulty of finding fish feed: “Fish feed is expensive and in short supply. We need to order fish feed from Denmark. And the supply may not be available due to the relatively low demand. In Hong Kong, we prefer raising tilapia, but in Europe and the US, they mainly use organic salmon feed. Raising fish is more complicated than growing vegetables. It takes a year to harvest. And if the weather changes during the time, all your effort and money may go down the drain. Therefore, Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre is working closely with the sector and various organizations to develop fish feed that fits local aquaculture. With a steady supply of fish feed, we can make room for the development of organic fish farming.”

Organic Aquaculture Festival 2021: a LOHAS Fun Day


In the fog of the pandemic, we may experience life changes, stress, and anxiety. Don’t forget to make time to unwind while fighting the coronavirus. Organic Aquaculture Festival is a not-to-miss event for families and the LOHAS to enjoy a weekend full of fun. The Festival, being one of the largest organic events in the city, will commence with the main highlight of the event – the finals of “Local Organic Aquaculture Low-carbon Cooking Competition”. The two finalists will prepare their mouth-watering dishes at Stanley Plaza with local organic fish, using low-carbon flameless cooking method. Our star judges including star chef Mr. Edwin Tsui, notable food critic and former managing director of Hong Kong Economic Times Mr. Perry Mak, and food columnist Mr. Ka-kuen Leung will taste and rate the dishes and announce the winner. Let’s witness the birth of the master chef of local organic aquaculture!

In addition, an exhibition on local organic fisheries will be held at the Festival, while our celebrity guests will bring to you a wave of exciting activities. The Festival’s ambassador and celebrity mum Ms. Nicola Cheung will return to the stage and sing with the band FreshLife and the growing-up Sister Maxim Celine, promoting green living with beautiful singing. Nicola will also share her low carbon living tips and interact with the audience in the Q&A session!

After the wonderful music performance, parents can participate in multiple booth games with their kids, giving the little ones a fun way to enrich their knowledge of organic aquaculture and environmental protection. There are also check-in spots at the event where couples can share PDA moment, while families can create warm memories with lovely family pictures!

The Festival has invited a number of local organic fish farms, including Organic Marine Aquaculture Development Pilot Project, Fu Kum Organic Dragon Fruit Farm, Saiyuen, Ming Fai Garden, etc. to set up booths for selling organic aquaculture products at the event. There are also booths by five local organic certified farms and four organic retailers to offer seasonal organic vegetables and other organic food and products.

 Save the date for Organic Aquaculture Festival 2021 and join us for a fun-filled day on 7 November. Let’s support local organic aquaculture and embrace green low-carbon living!

Event Details:

Organic Aquaculture Festival 2021

Time: 11am – 6pm

Date: 7 November, Sunday

Venue: Stanley Plaza


Event Enquiries:

Tel: (852) 3411 2384



Facebook: Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre (HKORC)

門票 / 費用:
Stanley Plaza

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